
Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday's Top 5... Singer-Actors

#5: Queen Latifah

Long live the Queen. She's a charismatic performer and one of the most winning screen presences out there - it's just a shame that the movies she's in are so rarely a match for her talents.

#4: Julie Andrews

The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins. What other proof do you need of either her musical or acting prowess?

#3: Frank Sinatra

A legendary crooner, an Oscar winning actor, and the leader of the Rat Pack. Sinatra was the man, man.

#2: Barbra Streisand

She's a Diva with a capital "D," which sometimes distracts from the fact that she is so enormously talented. Singer, actor, director, producer, writer, force of nature.

#1: Judy Garland

Could it be any other? A one-of-a-kind singer and a one-of-a-kind-actor all rolled into one.


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  2. Awesome list! It was Julie Andrews' 75th birthday a few days ago so I was just thinking about how talented she is!

    I'd include David Bowie in mine, probably. Not because he's a particularly adept actor, but because he's so captivating to watch.

  3. O, come on, no Elvis?
