
Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday's Top 5... Movies That Didn't Win Best Picture

* Note: I'm talking specifically about films that were nominated for Best Picture and lost out to a lesser, though not necessarily bad, winner. Also, I'm not including Citizen Kane, because that would just be too obvious

#5: The Wizard of Oz
Lost To Gone With The Wind

A tough call since they've both become bona fide classics. However, in a "this movie is better than that one" contest, I'd have to give the edge to The Wizard of Oz as Gone With The Wind is plagued with sequences that just drag and make the movie seem about 18 hours longer than it actually is.

#4: Bonnie and Clyde
Lost To In The Heat of the Night

In The Heat of the Night is a fine film that tackles a subject that was intensely relevant in 1967, but I think Bonnie and Clyde holds up much better and had a greater impact on cinema in general.

#3: Pulp Fiction
Lost To Forrest Gump

I may be biased because I really dislike Forrest Gump, but the knowledge that it beat Pulp Fiction just makes me cringe. If any of the other nominees (Shawshank Redemption, Quiz Show, Four Weddings and a Funeral) had won, I could deal with it but for it to lose to Gump is just... ugh.

#2: Network
Lost To Rocky

1976 was an embarrassment of riches in terms of Best Picture nominees: Network, All The President's Men and Taxi Driver were up for the big prize along with Bound For Glory and Rocky. That Rocky came out the winner is something I just can't wrap my head around.

#1: Raging Bull
Lost To Ordinary People

Can you believe it? Ordinary People over Raging Bull? That's insane.


  1. Thank GOD Saving Private Ryan isn't here. And I think 67 should have gone to The Graduate.

  2. I'm one of those crazy people who was glad when Shakespeare In Love won, because I thought it was a better film. Saving Private Ryan is good but has its weaknesses. Shakespeare In Love, while not as ambitious as SPR, is very tightly and perfectly constructed.
