
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Flick Chick Turns One

One year ago today I decided to combine my love of movies, writing, and procrastinating on the internet into one venture and started this blog that you just so happen to be reading. 247 posts and 3 templates later, I'm happy to report that this time consuming project is going stronger than ever.

My blogging highlight would have to be finding the LAMB and its wealth of great movie blogs. Lowlight would be getting hate mail from some crazy Nicole Kidman fan who took issue with my referring to Kidman as boring (which she is) and suggesting that she's messed up her face with botox (which she has).

Anyway, I plan to celebrate this little anniversay by watching a movie (because God knows I don't watch enough of those), and hoping that the next 365 days are as satisfying movie watching-wise as the last 365.


  1. Congratulations! and you're completely correct about Nicole Kidman. She sucks. It's like, why did she become so famous?

  2. Congratulations!

    I'm always reading your blog, yet somehow forget to comment. Strange. Glad I'm rectifying that now.

    Happy B'day and here's to the next 365 days.

  3. I love your blog and I am so glad for the LAMB too, it's how I found your site!

    Anywho, congrats on making the one year milestone, and here’s to many more to come *pops champagne bottle*

  4. Hi there, fellow Canuck! I'm a political blogger turned into a cultural blogger now (more specifically movie reviews) who just discovered your blog yesterday.

    Anyway, I wish you a lot of pleasure blowing that very candle for your blog!

  5. Congrats on making one year!

    What anniversary movie did you pick?

  6. Thanks very much everybody.

    Wendy: after much deliberation I decided that it would be appropriate to go out and rent Gone, Baby, Gone because my very first post was a review of that movie.

  7. Happy blog birthday! 247 posts is quite impressive. I hit my 100th post on my one year anniverary, and "celebrated" by reviewing two movies with 100 in the title, both of which were wretched. Hopefully your celebration will go much better:)

  8. Happy first birthday!

    Love your highlight! ;) I'm awfully glad you (and many others) found the LAMB, too. I hope you didn't just re-open that wound with the Kidman fan, though. ;)

    Anh Khoi Do - you should totally look into Norma's highlight some more...

    Yes, what was the flick chosen to watch?
