
Friday, February 29, 2008

As If We Need Another Reason to Hate The Harper Government...

...and as if the Canadian film and television industries didn't already have enough problems what with the fact that Canadians actually have so little access to their own product, now the Conservatives want to decide whether or not certain films and television series can be made at all. Rest assured, though, that the government only wants to stop funding for productions deemed "offensive" or "not in the public's best interest" - because the last thing people in a democratic nation want is the ability to determine for themselves whether or not something offends them. So lets all get down on our knees and thank the Conservatives for stepping up to the plate to protect us from ourselves. Perhaps once they've finished with that, they can get around to trying to protect us from outside forces because, as most Canadians know, if something happens to you outside of Canada's borders, the government will do, oh, just about nothing to help you.

For more information on the Conservatives' latest nefarious plan visit The Globe and Mail. From the article: "The government – and Heritage – are of the view that they should have prerogative to assess whether a particular film, TV production or book meets their public policy criteria... And if it doesn't, they should have the right to decline to invest in it. They don't view this as censorship because they say anyone is free to make the film or show or book, but not with their money.” The opperative words being their money because, of course, it's our money, our tax dollars supposedly going towards something for our benefit.

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